Which program are you interested in?

Jackson Campus


  • Jackson Campus
  • 6-month work-like environment—five days a week
  • Coding curriculum and soft-skills (workplace) training
  • Site visits to local companies
  • Speakers/mentors from local companies and other partners

Golden Triangle Campus


  • Instructor and location at the Communiversity
  • 6-month, work-like environment—five days a week
  • Coding curriculum and soft-skills (workplace) training
  • Site visits to local companies
  • Speakers/mentors from local companies and other partners

Biloxi Campus


  • Biloxi Campus
  • 6-month work-like environment – five days a week.
  • Site visits to local companies.
  • The program is in affiliation with the University of Southern Mississippi.
  • Participants will develop skills for full stack development along with cybersecurity skills that align with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education workforce framework Protect & Defend category.

Delta – Clarksdale Campus


  • Clarksdale campus in coordination onsite at People Shores
  • Clarksdale campus is the epicenter of our technical skills training program
  • 6-month program work-like environment, five days a week on-the-job-style training
  • Cutting-edge education in Java programming, SQL database management, Unix operating systems, and Generative AI technologies.