Programming Fundamentals
Part I: Programming Concepts
- Variables
- Binary Representation I
- Computer memory models
- Basic Flowcharting
- Algorithmic Sequence
- Algorithmic Selection
- Algorithmic Looping
Part II: Programming Introduction
Language: C#
Console Development (each with project)
- Operators and Variables
- Structures & Looping
- Arrays, Lists, Stack, etc.
- Functions & Recursion
- User Defined Datatypes
- Graphics
Major Project – RLE Compression of a PPM File
- Creating classes
- Public vs. Private
- Methods / Properties
- Defining Operators
- Overriding Methods
- Poly Morphism
- Inheritance (binary tree from tree)
GUI Development
Language: C#
- Introduction
- Form Design
- Event Handling
- Form Objects
Major Project – Seeded Terrain Generator
DBMS Training
Language: SQL
- Introductory Database Concepts
- Database Planning and Database Architecture
- Database Creation and Initialization
- Database Operations
- Database Integration
Major Project
Introduction to Web Development
- Page Elements
- Layout and Structure
- Document Object Model (DOM) and Events
- Implementing jQuery
- Asynchronous Web Development, Ajax and JSON
- Accessing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
Major Project
Introduction to MVC
Language: JavaScript w/React,
- Controllers
- Views
- Models
- Forms and HTML Helpers
- Data Annotations and Validation
- Membership, Authorization, and Security
- MVC – Single Page Applications with AngularJS
- Dependency Injection
- MVC – Unit Testing
Game Development
Language: GML
- The game loop
- GML Concepts
- Capturing input
- Instances
- Collision detection
- Graphics & Sound
Artificial Intelligence
Using our NAO robot, the coders will be introduced to robotics and artificial intelligence concepts.
Computer Security
This will provide the coders with a foundation in computer security with an emphasis on data protection.
Professionalism and Personal Growth
Employment Preparation
We will be continuing to work with employers to open up opportunities to allow the coders to shadow or intern at the employers’ workplace. The coders will also be working through tailored coursework to prepare them for their desired position.