Reporter Anthony Warren had great things to say in the Northside Sun about the Mississippi Coding Academies, explaining that the Jackson class is training recent high school and college grads for careers in computer programming.
“Students come in at 9 o’clock, grab their computers and start coding,” instructor Herbert Brown told the Northside Sun. “We have the text materials they use, which explain concepts to them, and they’ll work problems in the book.
Co-founder Richard Sun pointed out that there’s great potential for coders who can get themselves motivated to make it through the program.
“There are 1,100 unfilled coding jobs in Mississippi. There’s such a demand for coders, (that they should) have no problem getting jobs,” Sun told the newspaper. “We work with several major employers on the curriculum.”
See the full story here. We thank the Northside Sun for letting more people know about our program!
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