Mississippi Coding Academies is helping to create an incredible impact on the state’s tech industry. It’s been almost five years since the first cohort of coders was certified, and the results have grown at an impressive rate. Our 2023 graduates hit new milestones—of our 40 certificated coders, 16 have already accepted employment in technology jobs, and 14 are currently engaged in placement activity statewide.
Today, Mississippi Coding Academies have graduated 121 certified coders in five years with a significant economic impact on the state. According to our research, there are 1,000+ unfulfilled tech jobs in Mississippi and our coders are qualified for many of those openings. In total, our 121 grads have added more than $4 million in new annual salaries. We estimate the cumulative five-year impact of Mississippi Coding Academy to be more than $20 million to the state of Mississippi’s economy, on an investment of $1.8 million.
At Mississippi Coding Academies, we’ve dedicated ourselves to helping individuals in our state and worldwide learn the skills necessary to become successful junior software developers. With the support of our corporate and government partners, we are able to offer an 11-month curriculum at no cost to the student.
As long as they show the grit and determination to succeed at coding in our project-driven, work-style environment, our coders are prepared for high-paying jobs and saddled with no student debt. It’s a win-win both for the state’s economy and the coder.
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